All trading involves risk. It is possible to lose all your capital

Indices and Commodities

Neural4X new spot indices & commodities allow you to invest in market segments from numerous countries with tight spreads and low margin requirements.
Due to diversification within the broader national Indices, they have inherent stability as no single stock can completely influence the index. As such, general market announcements have little to no effect upon the index market liquidity. Spot a stock index opportunity, open a position and broaden the diversity of your portfolio.
See below our full list of available trading symbols, as well as their trading conditions.

The swap value depends mainly on the level of interest rates and the interest of the Company for having an open position during the night. The exchange is automatically converted to the base currency of the trading account of the client. The Company reserves the right to amend the swap values of a specific client in case of any suspect of a trading abuse. The operation is carried out at 23.59 (server time) and may take several minutes.

STP swap value is calculated based on the rates we receive from various LPs plus mark-up and as a result it changes frequently to reflect market conditions. To view Swap values, clients can right click on client terminal market watch and press on Specification.


*Margin requirement on STP accounts is 4% for all Spot Indices & Spot Commodities.

Symbol Name Minimum Price Fluctuation Size of 1 lot Value on 1 Lot per Index point Minimum Contract Size Minimum Step For Increasing Contract Size
Spot Equity Indices
US100Cash US Nasdaq100 Spot Index CFD 0.01 1 X index 1 USD 1 1
US30Cash US Dow Jones 30 Spot Index CFD 1 1 X index 1 USD 1 1
US500Cash US S&P500 Spot Index CFD 0.01 1 X index 1 USD 1 1
EU50Cash Euro Stoxx 50 Spot Index CFD 0.1 1 X index 1 EUR 1 1
FRA40Cash France CAC40 Spot Index CFD 0.01 1 X index 1 EUR 1 1
GER40Cash GER40Cash Spot Index CFD 0.01 1 X index 1 EUR 1 1
NETH25Cash Netherlands 25 Spot Index CFD 0.01 1 X index 1 EUR 1 1
Spain35Cash Spain 35 Spot Index CFD 1 1 X index 1 EUR 1 1
Swiss20Cash Swiss 20 Spot Index CFD 0.01 1 X index 1 CHF 1 1
UK100Cash FTSE 100 Spot Index CFD 0.01 1 X index 1 GBP 1 1
AUS200Cash Australia 200 Spot Index CFD 0.01 1 X index 1 AUD 1 1
HK50Cash Hong Kong 50 Spot Index CFD 0.5 1 X index 1 HKD 1 1
JP225Cash Japan 225 Spot Index CFD 1 1 X index 1 USD 1 1
PORT20Cash Portugal 20 Spot Index CFD 0.1 1 X index 1 EUR 1 1
SWE30Cash Sweeden 30 0.01 1 X index 1 USD 1 1
UK250Cash FTSE 250 Spot Index CFD 0 1 X index 1 GBP 1 1
Italy40Cash Italy 40 Spot Index CFD 1 1 X index 1 EUR 1 1
Spot Energy Commodities
BRENTCash Brent Crude Oil Spot 0.01 1,000 Barrels 10 USD 0.01 0.01
WTICash WTI Oil Spot 0.01 1,000 Barrels 10 USD 0.01 0.01
NAT.GASCash Natural Gas Spot 0.001 10,000 MMBtu 10 USD 0.01 0.01


*Margin requirement on STP accounts is 4% for all Spot Indices & Spot Commodities.

Symbol As low as Margin Requirement Trading Hours (Server Time)
Monday to Friday
Spot Equity Indices
EU50Cash 15 2% 09:00-23:00
JPY225Cash 5 1% 01:05-00:00
US30Cash 2 1% 01:05-00:00
FRA40Cash 150 1% 09:05-23:00
AUS200Cash 250 2% 10:05-00:00
GER40Cash 150 1% 09:05-23:00
NETH25Cash 110 2% 10:00-18:30
Spain35Cash 800 2% 10:00-21:00
UK100Cash 140 1% 09:05-21:00
US100Cash 140 1% 01:05-00:00
US500Cash 90 1% 01:05-00:00
SWE30Cash 400 2% 10:00-18:30
Swiss20Cash 200 1% 09:05-22:55
HK50Cash 1200 2% 04:15-07:00, 08:00-11:30, 12:15-20:00
UK250Cash 4500 1% 10:00-18:30
Italy40Cash 10 3% 10:00-21:30
Spot Energy Commodities
WTICash 3 2% 01:00-24:00
BRENTCash 4 2% 03:00-01:00
NAT.GASCash 4 2% 01:00-24:00


*Margin requirement on STP accounts is 4% for all Spot Indices & Spot Commodities.